
Air and Water

** Endorsed by Conservation Colorado **

"Some people only care about money, so they pollute our environment, dump in our communities, and operate slums.  They don't care enough about the community... only penalties that affect their bottom line get their attention.

Steve O'Dorisio, Denver Post, May 14, 2021

Compare the Candidates

Steve O'Dorisio is the BEST candidate for Adams County Commissioner (District 4) because he will hold polluters, dumpers, junkers, and slumlords accountable, while his opponent looks the other way

Steve Stands Up to Suncor and "Bad Actors"

Standing up alone... now people are listening

Pushing for transparency and accountability

Steve Stands for Clean Air & Clean Water

Health department will be adequately funded to address environmental health

Steve's Opponent

Don't pick on Suncor?

Suncor cleans all the water they dump into our rivers?

Never had issues with Suncor?

If Joe likes having Suncor in his backyard, what would Joe put in your's?

Experience & Accomplishments

Steve O'Dorisio is the BEST candidate for Adams County Commissioner (District 4) because he will hold polluters, dumpers, junkers, and slumlords accountable. 

Clean Water

Clean Air

Clean Land

Clean Air

Clean Water

Clean Land

“The neighborhoods of Thornton have put up with more delays and excuses than necessary,” Adams County Commissioner Steve O’Dorisio said after this week’s hearing. “Some people only care about money, so they pollute our environment, dump in our communities, and operate slums. They don’t care enough about the community to recognize opportunities to make improvements. In those situations, only penalties that affect their bottom line get their attention.” 

Read more here


Special Endorsement

Steve is proud to receive the endorsement of Conservation Colorado, who fights for clean air, clean water, and addressing climate change. 

Learn more about Steve...

Learn more about Steve O'Dorisio, candidate for re-election!